Willkommen in meiner bezaubernden Kollektion von Bio-Tees, die sorgfältig zusammengestellt wurden, um Sie voll und ganz in die Welt der "Porzellan", meinem Debüt-Horrorroman.
Im Mittelpunkt unserer Auswahl steht das Earl Grey Bio Assam Schwarzteedurchzogen mit dem zarten Essenz des ätherischen Öls der Bergamotte und geschmückt mit handgepflückten Kornblumenblüten.
Dieser mit Sorgfalt hergestellte Earl Grey Bio-Assam-Schwarztee verkörpert eine harmonische Mischung aus robusten Assam-Schwarzteeblättern und dem zitrusartigen Charme der Bergamotte. Jeder Schluck ist eine Symphonie der Aromen, die Sie dazu einlädt, tiefer in das geheimnisvolle Reich des "Porcelain" einzutauchen.
Was unseren Earl Grey auszeichnet, ist die Liebe zum Detail. Jedes Kornblumenblatt wurde liebevoll von Hand entstielt, um einen reinen und sanften Aufguss zu gewährleisten. Diese Hingabe an die Qualität stellt sicher, dass jede Tasse ein Meisterwerk ist, das der komplizierten Welt, die ich im Roman erschaffen habe, würdig ist.
Wenn Sie an unserem Earl Grey Bio Assam Schwarztee nippen, lassen Sie sich von seiner aromatischen Umarmung in die unheimliche Atmosphäre und die schattigen Ecken von "Porcelain" entführen..
Ob Sie Trost bei einer nächtlichen Lesestunde suchen oder sich einfach nur einen Moment der Ruhe gönnen, dieser Tee verspricht, Ihr treuer Begleiter auf dieser aufregenden Reise zu sein.
Steigern Sie Ihr Leseerlebnis mit unserem Earl Grey Bio-Assam-Schwarztee und tauchen Sie ganz in die schaurige Geschichte der jungen Sarah in "Porcelain" ein.
Assam black tea (India), cornflower petals, Bergamot essential oil (Italy, Sicily).
100% organically grown
Mastering the Art of Breakfast: Crafting the Perfect Cup of Earl Grey Tea
In the realm of morning rituals, few things rival the serene pleasure of sipping a perfectly brewed cup of Earl Grey tea. With its fragrant blend of black tea infused with bergamot oil, Earl Grey has long been a staple on English breakfast tables and beyond.
Mastering the art of preparing this beloved beverage elevates the breakfast experience to new heights, offering a moment of tranquility and indulgence before the day unfolds.
Understanding Earl Grey Tea
Earl Grey tea derives its distinctive flavor from the addition of bergamot oil, a citrus fruit native to Southern Italy.
The precise origins of this iconic blend are shrouded in mystery, with several tales attributing its creation to British Prime Minister Charles Grey, the 2nd Earl Grey, in the early 19th century. Whether the result of diplomatic gifting or mere happenstance, Earl Grey tea has since captivated tea enthusiasts worldwide with its bold yet nuanced profile.
The Breakfast Tea Ritual
Brewing the perfect cup of Earl Grey tea is as much an art as it is a science.
Begin by selecting high-quality loose leaf tea, as opposed to tea bags, to fully appreciate the complexity of flavors. Boil fresh, filtered water and allow it to cool slightly before pouring it over the tea leaves. For optimal infusion, steep the tea for 3-5 minutes, depending on your preference for strength.
Crafting the Perfect Cup
The key to a flawless cup of Earl Grey lies in finding the balance between the robustness of the black tea and the delicate essence of bergamot.
Experiment with different brewing times and water temperatures to discover your ideal combination. Some tea connoisseurs prefer a longer steeping time for a more intense flavor, while others opt for a shorter brew to accentuate the citrus notes.
Enhancing the Experience
To truly immerse yourself in the morning tea ritual, consider accompanying your Earl Grey with traditional English breakfast fare.
Savor the interplay of flavors as you pair your tea with buttered toast, scones, or crumpets topped with jam or clotted cream. The ritual of breaking bread and sipping tea provides a moment of respite from the hustle and bustle of modern life, allowing you to savor the simple joys of the morning.
In a world filled with rush and noise, the act of brewing and savoring a cup of Earl Grey tea offers a welcome reprieve. Embrace the time-honored tradition of morning tea and elevate your breakfast experience with this beloved blend.
Whether enjoyed alone in quiet contemplation or shared with loved ones, the perfect cup of Earl Grey has the power to brighten even the dreariest of mornings, reminding us to pause, reflect, and appreciate the simple pleasures in life.
Did you know?
Black tea is rich in antioxidants known as polyphenols. These antioxidants help improve blood circulation and combat cell ageing. It is also rich in caffeine, vitamins, minerals and theanine (a concentration-enhancing amino acid), making it a natural stimulant.
Cornflowers have medicinal properties. Mountain cornflowers are said to have diuretic and digestive properties, while field cornflowers are reputed to combat conjunctivitis and inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes.
Finally, bergamot essential oil, used to perfume our Organic Earl Grey tea, is used in the composition of eau de Cologne because of its very strong fragrance. It has antiviral and digestive properties, and its relaxing effects are said to combat insomnia.